I am learning patience more this summer than ever before.
I have loved this summer. It has been so much fun.
But I am tired now.
Very tired.
The kids are getting bored and need some structure.
So they cry and whine and beat each other up and yell mean things to me and drive Sarah crazy.
I must say that I think I have become very patient with my kids.
I will never be as patient as I would like to be but I am working on it.
I must say that these frustrating times make me appreciate when the kids are so sweet.
Like everyday when both boys tell me they love me before I tell them.
I am lucky to have them.

Yesterday Danny was chasing his cousin, Sophie, and he fell on the ground and got a deep cut above his eye. Boy am I thankful that he didn't cut his eye. We took him to the hospital and he was really shaken up. So we waited for like 2 hours for the doctor to finally come in and give him stitches. That was sad. They had to give him a bunch of shots right in the middle of the cut to numb it and he just screamed. They had to wrap him in a blanket like a little baby so that they could hold him still. Poor guy.
Then Sophie saw him and told me that his cut looked like a monster and she didn't like it. It was pretty funny. She didn't want to be alone with him.
Danny was afraid to go outside today because he didn't want people to be mean to him because of his cut. He didn't want the attention.
Anyway the doctor said he couldn't get it wet until Friday. That has been much harder than I thought. The boys get wet every single day. We love to go swimming. So that has been pretty crappy. So we went to the library instead.
Oh and the sticking the tongue out picture is his new thing. He always does that. Good thing we don't need any professional pictures taken.

I hate baby food.
But not as much as Sarah.
She takes a few bites and gags.
And cries and cries and cries.
It is so frustrating. I am trying to get her to eat food and take a bottle so that I can leave her for the weekend but she refuses. She is such a happy baby so I hate to see her like this but I need her to get use to it. I have tried rice cereal, peaches, applesauce, carrots, and bananas and I get the same reaction every time.
Why am I complaining? I have an amazing friend who still pumps breastmilk to feed her 2 year old because that is all he can eat. Wow I feel really selfish right now...and lucky.

Alright, finally some food she likes.
Bread. She loves bread.