Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I have been having lots of flashbacks of all of the LOSERS I dated in high school. 
For some reason, I seemed to pick the ones who I had to constantly chase after.
I picked the ones who had contests over spring break to see who could kiss the fattest girl.  (I hate even typing that, it sounds so horrible).
I picked the ones who's friends told me to babysit their nephews while they got drunk, while he just sat there and laughed.
I picked the ones who asked me if I had been asked to the dance and immediately after saying no (and getting really excited, thinking they were going to ask me), they would turn around and ask another girl.
Just typing this brings tears to my eyes.  It makes me so sad that I was treated so horribly.
I remember my best friend's mom kept telling me that a man would come along who would treat me the way I deserved to be treated.
Then I knew Heavenly Father was watching out for me because Brian came along.
I feel like he was this bright shining light in a world of slimy, dirty creeps.
I was so shocked when he would open my door for me.  I actually didn't like it at first.  It felt uncomfortable.
I was shocked when for our first date, he wanted to go to the conference center and not into his hot tub or bedroom :), forcing me to tell him no over and over again.
I was shocked that he was the one to pick me up and call me everyday.
I thank my Heavenly Father every day for sending him to me.
He is my best friend.
I can tell him anything and I always do.  Probably even more than he cares to know.  I know that no matter what, he will always have my back and be there for me.  Even when I make an aerobics competition video with my friends.  I know he will help me when I need someone to make the video commentary :)
I will stop now because I hate when people talk about how much they love their spouse on their blog or facebook.

So, the reason I have been having all of these dating flashbacks is because of my little sister.  She is dating after her mission.  A LOT.
I don't even know how many dates she has gone on in the last month.
I have been very interested and calling her all the time wondering how her dates have been going.  I have loved hearing about all of the dates and what the men were like.
Like me, she didn't date the greatest guys in the past.  Although, they were much more respectful than my choices.
It has been very frustrating for me to see guys come along that don't deserve her.  I just want to jump in her head and make all of her decisions for her.
I am not sure what is going to happen to her and who is going to be her eternal companion but when she told me about one who stood out to her, I got so excited.
Thank you Mr Annonymous for showing my sister that there are men out there who care about the gospel and who respect women.
I better hurry and say that there are also great men who don't believe in the gospel, but that is not for my sister.
Even though I pray for her every night to be happy, I know she will.  She is in such a good place right now.  She prays about EVERY decision.  I just need to have faith in her.

I hope that everyone gets a chance to meet a man who will treat them this way because EVERY WOMEN DESERVES IT.
I am lucky to have an incredible Dad who has shown me how a woman should be treated.  He has treated my Mom so well and I know he just adores her.
I am also very lucky to have found Brian who is so different from me in some ways but he really is perfect for me.  My best friend.

If you read this, please post about your best friend!


Eliza said...

LOVE this Annelise.

Jane Durham said...

That is so funny that you said you hate when people go on and on about their spouses, because you totally aren't the type to do it, and it sometimes bugs me too, but I loved reading about you and Brian. You are a really uplifting couple. You're very real and unique but still so grounded and faithful. A very awesome combo. I was actually thinking about you guys a couple days ago. You have both stood out to me in kindness to my family. I am so happy that you have each other.

Janelle said...

You are too cute. I'm so happy for you, and for me, and for every other girl out there that has a great husband. I can't imagine life any other way than feeling loved, appreciated and supported :)

ashley g. said...

I loved this too! You and Brian are an amazing couple and we are so happy to have you as friends.