Saturday, November 5, 2011

New York New York!!

After 3 1/2 years, Brian and I made it back to New York. It honestly seemed like it had been 10 years. I love New York. Even though it was really cold and rainy, we had the best time.

Carriage ride in Central Park. So this 2nd picture of the horse was taken by our driver. I guess he would be called a driver? Coachmen maybe:) ANYWAY he took 3 pictures of the horses head and told us to stand up in the carriage. I think he thought he was a great photographer.

Hugh Jackman on Broadway

Wow he is talented. Such a great dancer, singer, hip thruster, comedian, and booty shaker. I actually thought he was gay half way through but Brian insisted that he was just a good actor. Such a fun show. I really like him.

We actually saw him come out of the buliding after we met up with my friend for dinner. What a pleasent surprise.

Dinner with friends
We actually spent 2 of our nights with some friends so we didn't get to see as many broadways as I wanted but that's ok because it gives us a reason to go back! Oh who am I kidding. I will always have a reason to go back just to go shopping.

My friend Rebecca, from high school who I haven't seen for like 5 years. It was so good to see her.

Oh Danny. Thanks to you, now I have to get my jumping pictures every trip I go on. He started these jumping shots in Disneyland and now I have to do it on every trip I go on. We went to THE BEST mexican restaurant with our friends Danny and Mara. The 3 of them kept going on and on about these marshmallow shakes that are to die for and I was the only one who hadn't tried one so we decided to go and eat some more.

Oh yes they were unbelievable. They actually toast marshmallows and make a shake with them. Yummmm! I don't know why we were posing with batman... Thank you Danny and Mara for a great night.


Yayyyyy! So Brian worked for half of the day, visiting people so I ventured out and shopped all up and down 5th avenue. It was kind of fun wandering around and finding little restaurants and shops. Thanks to my cousin Emilee who helped me find some of them. The shopping on 5th avenue was ok but the best shopping was in Soho. I loved it.

The rumble of the subway
(can anyone name that song?)

More eating. Wow I ate SO MUCH on this trip.

Time Square

I love that Brian did a jumping picture. He even did it twice! I love you Brian! Thank you for a wonderful time!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! NYC looks so fun- I'm so jealous you got to go and eat Marshmallow shakes- yum!! You look so pretty in all the pics :)
