Monday, November 7, 2011

Our first science fair!

I feel like I am back in school again with Danny being in Kindergarten. I can't believe how much work it is but I love it. It is so much fun. I have been volunteering twice a week and it is so much fun being in his class and working with the kids. It makes me miss teaching preschool just a tiny bit.
So Danny had a science project and I was dreading it because I hate science. Luckily we had just gotten Danny a rocket for his birthday so we used that.

We took his rocket to a large area with nothing around. All of the neighbor kids wanted to come so they dragged their parents to follow us. We shot it up in the air and Sarah has been making loud rocket noises ever since.

We asked what will shoot higher, the small or large rocket. Danny's hypothesis was right, it was the smaller rocket. Way to go Danny! Thanks for coming, Grandma!

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