Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Holy cow Halloween lasted all month this October! We had so many Halloween parties this year! it was so much fun but I am so done with Halloween :)

Trunk or Treat with our ward. Brian set up a car for the young men and it was by far the most popular.

Some of my our friends went with us and it was so fun!

Oh I love that we all have such creepy akward faces in these pictures.

Haunted Circus

My friends wanted to go to a Haunted house and I thought it would be so dumb but it was so fun! I just hid behind my friend Heidi the entire time :)

Cute Sarah in her Halloween outfit

Friend's Halloween Party

My friend's had such a fun Halloween Party at their house. I love how akward I look in this photo. Me look akward in a photo? NEVER.

I love this Lindsey Lohan and her parole officer. We also did a little Just Dance.

Olive Oil and Popeye

Sam's Preschool Parade

Halloween Party at Lifetime Fitness

Cannon Halloween Party

1. Sarah and her cousin Ashley 2. Patrick and Tim are dressed up as my brother (Alex) and sister (Elizabeth) who are both on missions.

Kris Kross will make ya JUMP JUMP! Love the chest.

I am dressed up as my Mom's aunt Carol. You probably won't think it is funny unless you have met her.


My Mom came to Danny's Halloween Parade at school. She also gave the boys these suckers. I love it.

Sam had so much fun helping at Danny's Halloween party at school.

Trick or Treating

Dragon, Cow, and Superman. I think they wore their costumes every day in the month of October. Sarah would wear hers ALL DAY. She loves cows.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I am sooooooooo sad we missed the couples Halloween party. It looks like you guys had a blast!! We had some really awesome costumes too. I'll have to save them for next year:)
