Friday, January 8, 2010

Sarah Elizabeth Ross

On Jan. 5th, our sweet Sarah was born. The delivery went so well. We were so happy. She was 9 lbs 3 oz. I love her big cheeks. She is such a good baby. I love having her in our family.

It wasn't easy pushing a 9 lb baby out. I started cheering when she was born. And how sexy are hospital gowns???

I was so excited to put a bow in her hair.

She is going to have him wrapped around her finger.

Danny was SOOOO excited to see her. Kids aren't allowed at the hospital so he had to wait. He opened the garage door when we pulled up and wanted to see her so badly. When she came in, he was running around the house cheering. He was so excited. Sam just loves her too. He keeps peeking over the bassinet to look at her.

My dear friend, Jennie came and took some pictures of her and put them on her blog. You can check them out here.


  1. Oh Annelise! She is adorable! i can't wait to see her!

  2. She is beautiful! How do you still look great after giving birth? Hope your getting some sleep :)

  3. Congrats...I am going to call you in a few minutes. She is ADORABLE and yes, she will have Brian wrapper around her finger in no time :)

  4. Look at that chubby, beautiful face! Huge congratulations! I love the first picture on your friend's blog. :)

  5. Ah! I LOVE her!! She really is so chubby and so beautiful. And you look fabulous! How do you do it??

    And I'm really hoping that Danny and Sam will come and play at my house next week... and they will return with dinner... let me know... ;)

  6. Oh my gosh...that is one DARLING baby. Those cheeks! I need to kiss them!! CONGRATS! Girls ARE so much fun!!

  7. oh my gosh!!! I can't believe she is here!!! I want to see her! When can I come see you both? She is absolutely beautiful!!

  8. She is adorable! Congrats! Baby girls are the best! You are a champ for pushing out a 9 pounder!

  9. Annelise, your Sarah is so beautiful!! Congratulations. It's amazing how good you look after giving birth. I always looked like I went 10 rounds with Mike Tyson, and I only had to push out 7 lbs 11 oz. both times! You'll have fun watching her relationship with her dad and brothers develop, daughters are such a wonderful blessing, as are sons.

  10. Congratulations! I'm so happy you have a girl now, you were meant to have a girl!

  11. Oh, she's so beautiful, Annelise! I can't wait to come see you both.

  12. congratulations! That's so awesome that everything went well. i know you know this already, but you're going to LOVE having a girl. I just put claire in dance lessons last week and it was the most fun thing watching her in there. Seriously, you're going to have so much fun!

  13. OH she is so cute!! And hello, so unfair how good you look!! I am with Lia, I looked like I was ran over by a bull dozer. Chubby babies are the best!! The eat better, they sleep better, and are just so cute!! I speak as a mommy who gave birth to a 9 lb baby, a 10 1/2 pound baby, a 8 pound baby and a iddy biddy 6 lb baby. I prefer chubby babies, especially at night time!! =)

  14. She's a cutie! I love the pictures your friend took. They are too cute. She's going to be so much fun for your family. I'm so happy for you guys. Congratulations.

  15. Congratulations!! Um, she could not be any more perfect! She is beautiful and you look great. I am sure it is so weird to have a girl after 2 boys but enjoy and take care!

  16. Okay, I honestly cannot stand seeing the pictures and not being able to hold her!! I already love her so much and you look so great :) Love you guys!

  17. So Stinkin' Cute!! I hope she is out of her neon cacoon and you are cuddling away! Let me know Danny and Sam need a play date-anytime!

  18. Ahhh, she's beautiful!! A huge congrats to you guys. Your friend did a gorgeous job on the photos too! Sending happy sleep well wishing your way :)
