Sunday, January 3, 2010

Holding off on baby for this...

This year, we planned a dinner with all of Brian's friends for Christmas. Most of them are from out of town and so busy so we couldn't do it until January 2nd. I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to make it because I thought I would have the baby by now. Well I was wrong. I STILL haven't had the baby. I am not due until the 13th but I was 14 days early with Danny and 11 with Sam so I fell like I am past my due date. Not only that but I am in constant pain and I am so tired of waiting. I can't imagine going past your due date. Anyway I am planning on being induced on Tuesday so I am excited for that. I was happy that we got to make it to this dinner. I just love Brian's friends. They are all pretty much brothers to me because I have known them all since elementary/middle school. Not only that but I love their wives/girlfriends. They are so fun to be with. We ate at Cucina Toscana. It was so good!

Abby and Nate totally not posing for the camera.

Thanks for such a fun night you guys! Now the baby can come....


  1. I am so sorry that you are still pregnant. There is nothing worse then going past when you think you should have the baby. And I haven't gone past 37 weeks! Good Luck Tuesday!

  2. I hope everything goes well tomorrow! Can't wait to meet Penelope!
