Wednesday, December 30, 2009

One last time

Today was the last time I had to say goodbye to a brother that was leaving on a mission. I have had 3 brother's leave and today my youngest brother, Alex left on his mission. The past couple days we was Sherlock Homes (I love Robert Downey Jr.), ate at Asian Star (I am so proud that Alex wanted his last dinner there), and today we went to lunch at the Pizza Factory before we said goodbye. Every time I looked at my parents the past couple days they were so sad. Last night Alex was set apart and it was so great. I love spending time with my family and I am so proud of Alex. I will miss him so much but I think my boys will more. They LOVE him. Here are a ton of pics from lunch today. I told my family I would post them all.


  1. fun pics!

    Looking at your blog, it looks like you widened the total width but that the text column could be wider - there is a large margin between the text column and your other column. I don't know a lot about the templates but if you cut and paste your html into a word doc and send it to me, I'll look at it for you.

  2. What an amazing accomplishment for your parents to have all their sons serve missions.

  3. Ok- I'll admit. I'm checking your blog religiously to see if you've gone into labor or not. No. That does not make me obnoxious because I'm not calling you over and over and over again to see if you've had any contractions.

    BUT- it looks like you have had one crazy December. Fun Christmas Pics, cute family, sad to see a brother go- but seriously. All the boys on missions? INCREDIBLE!

    Hope you are feeling well and less pregnant soon. And when I say less pregnant, I mean not pregnant. Good luck!
