Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Best Christmas Ever!

I think every Christmas just gets better and better and this Christmas was so wonderful. It was hard being so pregnant but it was nice to have so many things planned with family and it kept us very busy. So Christmas morning, I hear Danny walk out of his room and I hear him stop and there is no noise for about a minute and suddenly he comes running into our room screaming that Santa has come. He jumped on the bed and ripped off Brian's covers and shook him until he got up. He was so excited. We asked him to wait to open them until Sam woke up and he waited so patiently. He started peeking through his stocking and at that point I told him just to open them.

Yay roller skates!!! That is the only thing he wanted for Christmas.

There is nothing better than a child opening their presents on Christmas morning.

I love this guy
So I have been wanting a really expensive camera for a long time. I love taking pictures and I wanted an SLR so that I could take better pictures. I have been bugging Brian to let me get one for a long time now but I knew I could wait to fork out the money. Well he totally surprised me and got me a new camera. There were tears in my eyes I was so happy. I am going to take classes so that I can get a lot better but I am so happy you have no idea. This is Brian posing for one of the first shots on my new camera. I just took it on auto because I have a lot to learn.

Sam was a little overwhelmed with all of the presents but he was happy.

A nap that they desperately needed.

Gator golf with Granddad.

Exchanging gifts with my family.

Every year the boys get new boots from Brian's parents. They couldn't take them off because they were so comfy. And yes, they left their pj's on all day.

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