Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Life with our little Princess

The boys love to just touch her. They are very cute with her.

Danny asked me if he could put her in his preschool bad and take her for show and tell. I decided it might be a better idea if he just took a picture of her.

This picture makes me laugh. Sam saw that Sarah had on some mittens, so he decided to put his on too.

I just love her. Brian keeps commenting on how happy I am. Ever since she came into our home, it just seems like life is so much sweeter. I love having a girl. She is such an angel. I must say that I am so happy I had my 2 boys first.

Ok this made me cry. We had to put her under these lights for a few days because of her jaundice. The only time we could take her out was if I fed her or changed her diaper. I had to put these goggles on when she was looking around, it made me so sad. Surprisingly, she did very well and it wasn't too hard.

Go Utes!

Enough pictures already!

We decided to get a picture of Danny, Sam, and Sarah with their cousins.

Kind of an akward picture (for Sarah). I wasn't quite ready for her to be sitting on their laps. I can't believe we have 3!


  1. So darling! I love the Utes beanie! I think that is darling that Danny wanted to take her for show and tell. We'll have to set up little play dates with our girlies when she gets a little older. She is seriously cute, as are all your kids-I always talk to Sam and Danny at church, and they just look at me like I'm that crazy aunt that goos and gas in their faces and pinches their cheeks (which I don't actually do, but they are so cute I always want to). Anyhow, congrats! So happy for you and your beautiful family!

  2. Finally!! I have been waiting for you to post new pictures. Your kids are all darling... But I love Sarah's chubby face. I can't wait to hold her in a few weeks!

  3. she is beautiful!! and I am totally with you...I have told you before, having two boys first is the best..I think....always having 2 big brothers around is ideal...and I was also just "glowing" after I had Chloe...there is just something about a girl that makes a mom feel complete...I am glad you are so happy....when can I come by and squeeze her!!??

  4. Those cheeks! I just want to squeeze them! Those are such adorable pics and speaking of pics, I'm glad that Danny settled for a pic for show and tell. When can Danny and Sam come play again? We need a little more testosterone around here and a you might be ready for a little less?

    Love your guts. And your baby's cheeks.

  5. OH I love her! you are already dressing her properly so thank you. I love that she is just asleep in the picture with all the kids. I felt the same way with a girl. I am glad you are so happy.

  6. Daughters are so wonderful! I'm so glad you're having a good time. Can't wait to meet her in person. Till then, post as many pictures as you want, they're adorable! I love the one with all the cousins and she's propped up in the corner. Too cute!

  7. Love the photos, Annelise! She's so darling and those cheeks are just so kissable!!!!!! Well, all baby cheeks are, but especially so when they call out to you like hers do. I only know what it's like to have girls, but I must say #3 has been especially sweet and perhaps that's because I'm more relaxed after having gone through two other newborns and we all survived. :-)

  8. She is so darling. I love all her hair. Very cute.

  9. You have such darling kids. Sarah is just a doll. I need to see her again! Love all the bows!! :)
