Thursday, February 4, 2010

Random Pictures

Little twinners

Even matching smiles


Still Chubby

Curly after the bath hair

Brian told the boys that on Friday night they could have a campout. Danny was so excited. They bought treats at the store and built a fort downstairs. While laying in the fort, they watched the Micheal Jackson movie, This Is It. Ever since then, Danny has been OBSESSED with MJ. He loves the song, Smooth Criminal. They had lots of fun.

Whenever Sarah cries, Danny runs over to her and rubs her belly and tells her it is ok. He loves her.

Here are Danny and Sam dancing this morning. If you watch closely, Danny starts to do a Micheal Jackson dance move where he is tipping his hat. But I had to go and interrupt him by asking him to do another dance move.


  1. Those matching cheesy grins! Too awesome. And I LOVE how chubby little Sarah is though. I'm so glad I got to hold her! Call if you ever need anybody to hold her or to do a little boy-wrestling.

  2. Love the update. My kids loved camping in the basement when they were little! Good times! And I love the dance clip, too cute.

  3. I love Smooth Crminal too! Especially the way they perform to it in This is It!
