Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon!!

It seems like I have been waiting for this movie to come out forever! We finally got to see New Moon. Not only that but we got tickets yesterday, the day before it came out! We got so lucky! It was so fun. Any chance I have to go out with the girls and see a movie, I get really excited. I must say that Taylor Lautner stole the show. He is a much better actor than everyone else in the movie, I think. Plus he looked great! I also loved Michael Sheen but that was no surprise. Anyway the movie was good and I can't wait till June to see Eclipse. It will be so good!

We got there a little early to make sure we got good seats. This is me, Patrick's girlfriend (who I love), Lil, and Whit (sisters).

Pictures with Edward and Jacob

My mom made the cutest little bags filled with treats and other fun stuff. She is awesome.

We ate yummy cakes afterwards.

My mom always makes things much more fun.

Hey, I am pregnant

That's right Edward and Jacob, we are all yours.


  1. Your mom is cracking me up in these pics. Looks like a lot of fun!

  2. I agree...Jacobs character is the best actor in that movie. However I don't find either of the men attractive so it was a little hard for me to get into plus I don't care much for the girl playing Bella. I am a real postive person haha

  3. You know- I kind of have to agree with Jenn. Jacob was the best. And Bella is so adorable and tiny and petite... but she sounds like a man. And screams like a dying raccoon.

    And it looks like you had a BLAST! Jealous that you got to see it at a normal hour!

  4. Looks like you had so much fun.

  5. Oh how fun! I haven't seen it yet. I am going on thurs. I am sooo excited! Your shirts are adorable!
