Monday, November 23, 2009

Goodbye Oliver

Today my family dog, Oliver was put to sleep. I am sure nobody really cares about the dog that I grew up with but I love him so I have to pay him a little tribute. I got a text today from my sister saying that he has cancer and it had spread throughout his whole body and that the doctor wanted to put him to sleep. The rest of my family who still lives at home with him is on a trip to Disneyland right now and they really wanted to say goodbye to him but he was in so much pain that my sister just had him put to sleep. Since I am such an emotional mess during my pregnancy, I just sat on my couch and cried when my sister said that he had cancer. Sam was a little confused at why I was suddenly crying so he walked around pretending to cry also. It was pretty funny. So I took the kids to McDonalds because Brian is out of town again and I needed something to make the time go by faster. While the kids were playing, my sister sent me a text saying that he was put to sleep so I started crying again in McDonalds. Luckily a lot of the people there seemed a little crazy anyway so I didn't care. That was a little rude but true. Anyway, ever since we got Oliver, 10 years ago, I have grown to really appreciate and love dogs. Oliver was so sweet. My boys just loved him to death. Every time Sam walked into my parents house, he would yell out Oliver's name and chase him around the house. I know they will miss him. I love you Oliver and we will miss you!

We celebrated his birthday every year. People made fun of us but we loved it.

Oliver helping Danny (when he was a baby) eat his food.


  1. I have a dog I could give you to replace him...just kidding! It's funny how they become such a huge part of your life, isn't it?

  2. I am so sorry. I know that pain. It is so awful. It is crazy how much those lil guys get to us. Know I understand and totally appreciate how tough it is.

  3. Hey- just a dog, but still a HUGE part of the family. I'm sorry sweetie. That is never easy. If you need ice cream, call me and I'll bring you a pint. I'll bring me one too so we don't have to share.

  4. Annelise, I am sorry about Oliver. I totally understand after losing Lex this year, it sucks and is so sad but remember that he is in a happy place, running and playing and being pain free.

  5. I totally love my dogs, so I understand how you're feeling. It's so hard when they go. I balled my eyes out when I had to say goodbye to my dog in NZ cause I was moving back to the states. It was horrible.

  6. Oh sad! I am so sorry to hear that. He looks alot like my little family dog. I had two of our dogs die in middle school, and it was the worst thing ever. So sorry to hear that.

  7. I totally know how you feel...same exact thing happened to me 2 months ago but it was b/c of a broken neck. And my dad was out of town so my brother had to take her to the vet. It was heartbreaking. And I totally bawled.

    It's so sad to think that they won't be there to greet you at the door anymore, but at least they aren't in any pain. I'm so sorry for your loss.
