Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween fun!

So blogging hasn't been at the top of my list of things to do so I apologize for the overload of pictures. We had a fun Halloween!

Delta Gamma Halloween party. A bunch of girls from my sorority planned a Halloween party. It was so much fun. I loved seeing these girls.

Our Annual Cannon Halloween party. This is Tim, my brother, with Sam.

Lil (my sis) and her boyfriend, Randy

Bobby (my bro) was dressed up as Micheal Phelps. It was awesome. He is with Kelli (wife) and her dad.

A little treat for all the ladies.

My cousin Thomas, aunt Cathy, cousin Sarah, and uncle Tom.

Wow. I am so jealous of all of my brother's bodies. Especially now that I am huge and pregnant.

Whitney (my sis) is the future wife of my brother, Alex (Jake is dressed up as him). Alex is going on a mission to Baton Rouge and Whitney is suppose to be the girl he meets there and ends up marrying. Whitney is pregnant but on her stomach it says "not Alex's". It was so funny.

Brian and I are dressed up as the girl and boy from Juno. Danny is a monkey and Sam is a shark.

I just had to put in this cute picture of the boys hiding in the pantry.

This is Sam and Fischer at our mom and me Halloween party. Cute boys.

The boys got so excited when it started snowing. They played in the snow all day. Sam loved getting all bundled up.

The boys picked out pumpkins at Brian's Grandpa Don's house. He grew them and was so proud.

Danny and I carving pumpkins.

Brian and Sam with all the pumpkins. We love going to Brian's parents house every year to carve pumpkins.

Danny had a parade at his preschool for Halloween.

Sam wanted to sit down with all of the kids in Danny's class. It was cute.

Danny and his cute teacher. That is Sam's arm in the picture. I love this picture.

Danny and his cousin, Sophie. She came to the parade and loved it.

My friends, Kristin and Sariah came over for a Halloween dinner.

Trick or Treating!

Sam was so excited about the Spongebob candy he got.

Danny wanted to ride his bike trick or treating. Every time someone would open the door, he would yell, "Happy Halloween!" He loved answering the door for trick or treaters. He would say thank you to them for coming. Halloween with kids is so much fun!


  1. I love little kids at Halloween time! I love my older kids, but it's different.

  2. Looks like fun! We saw Brian out with the boys trick-or-treating...where were you?

  3. Such cute pictures!! The boys looked especially adorable! I wish I could have Pat's stomach! that's how Sam's is too... not sure why I didn't get that stomach!

  4. How cute is your family in their costumes! We need to get together for your birthday! What works for you?? I will call you!

  5. Oh my gosh your family halloween pictures made me laugh so hard. The hole in the speedo was freakin halarious hahaha. Now I have some good ideas of what to be next year at Halloween.

  6. Um, your brothers...hilarious! I love looking at your blog and how fun your family is. That picture of Sam and Fischer is SO cute. Love it!!!
