Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Park City with the girls

A year ago, a bunch of girls from my neighborhood planned a weekend to Park City. We have decided to make it an annual trip in September. It was so fun and this year it was a totally different group of girls so I got to know some new girls.

Dinner at Baja Cantina. Yummm! I love this restaraunt.

Jane, me, Kendra, and Jenn at dinner.

The next night we went to the Eating Establishment. I was not a huge fan of this place. I was just happy to be having dinner with the girls though.

HOT TUB!! I was sad that I couldn't get all the way in but at least I could put my legs in.

We made sure to go to a movie. We saw All About Steve which was TERRIBLE! I knew it was going to be but I figured since everyone wanted to see it, I would just follow the group. A bunch of us left in the middle and ended up watching the last 1 1/2 hours of Julie and Julia which was so much better. I love movies.

We got free rides on the gondolas it was so fun.

Beautiful view.

Weeeeee! Haha. I don't know why I am so weird sometimes. Everyone was just posing so serious for these individual pictures and I didn't.

Haha. This is Michelle pole dancing. Kind of blurry.

Another cheesy picture of me. These guys thought I was going to do some seductive pose like Michelle but I didn't. It was kind of akward.


  1. omg! you crack me up!!!! You're so like Sound of Music in your poses...ha!!! I loved it when the guys walked by and the prego lady was pole dancing...classic...then they turned back to see what we were doing....hahaha!!! good pics!

  2. So sorry to have missed out! Looks like everyone had fun.

  3. I bet you didn't have as much as you did with us in SG! LOL
