Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Family Pictures

Ok for some reason this top part is underlined and I don't know why. Oh well. The other day my sister, Elizabeth and her boyfriend, Randy came out to our house and we went to the lake (just in our neighborhood... I like to brag about how cool our neighborhood is) and took pictures.

If it looks like I am smiling a little too hard in these pictures, it is because I am laughing so hard. Randy kept pretending like he was about to fall in the lake and it was so funny. He needs to be there for all of our photo shoots.

This was so funny. We told Danny that if he smiled big for the pictures he could play in the lake. He just ran around with his shorts pulled up so high. He loves the water.


  1. cute! I love the one w/you guys on the dock..the 3rd one down...oh and I hope a roundworm egg didn't jump in your mouth! :)

  2. how cute are these. you look beautiful by the way!

  3. Great photos! You have such a beautiful family, Annelise!

  4. We do have such a great neighborhood! I love your picutes! And great job on the skit the other night!

  5. Hey Annelise! Cute family pics, your boys are so adorable! You are having a girl next right? and what is up with the underlining?! My blog loves to do that everytime and it is so annoying.

  6. Those pics are adorable. How does one get such a photogenic family? I have yet to discover this.

    And how does somebody look so awesome when pregnant? What's uip with that? ;)

  7. Such cute pics!!! Your little family is so adorable. I can't wait for the new addition! She will be beautiful!
