Sunday, September 13, 2009

Danny's first day of Preschool

Danny started preschool a few weeks ago and he just loves it. He loves to learn new things and gets so excited to go. This was a picture I took at his preschool. What a cutie pie.


  1. Ok- he really is a cutie. That boy always looks adorable. Can't wait to see what this little girl looks like... do y'all have a name picked out yet?

  2. holy cow you have the cutest kids ever! I think the little sis is going to have plenty of protection, and (if your boys have friends as cute as them) plenty of cute older boys to chose from!
    I was peeking in on Evie's nursery class during your music time, and she had her face in that whole in the back of her chair and was pushing it around the room. Meanwhile you were doing a really cute song. I enjoyed what you said at the training Sunday night. You are awesome!
