Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Girls Trip to St. George

So several months ago, my friends and I wanted to plan a girls trip. We decided to go to St George because we had a free place to stay and we could just drive down. My friends kept asking me when I was going to plan the trip but since Brian travels so much, it was hard to find a time to plan the trip that would work for everyone. So 2 weeks ago we finally went and it was a blast! I love these girls to death.

So on the way down, this creepy guy came up to us (when we were at the gas station) and told us that our tire pressure was low and he would fix it. Well it was actually low but we didn't want him to fix it so we went somewhere else to get it done. These pictures were Sariah checking the tire pressure. I guess this doesn't surprise me because she has pretty much had to do everything on her own. This one guy asked us if we were going off to college. I looked down at my pregnant belly and thought wow I would hope not.

Woo hoo! Off to Vegas! Carolyn, Sariah, and Kristin sat in the back.

While us pregnant girls sat in the front.

Shopping at the outlets. It was sooo hot!

My favorite part of Vegas was going to pottery barn kids. I called Brian before and asked him if I could buy some bedding for the baby girl and he said yes. I walked into the store and just started squealing because I was so excited. I was just grabbing things all over the place and putting them together. I kept picturing how her room would look and it was at that point where I thought, I am going to be in big trouble having a girl. So I spent way too much time in there and half the girls left to go to different stores.

Cheesecake Factory. You can never go wrong here.

Haha. We decided to ride our bikes to the pool and after 2 seconds of going I realized that my tire was flat. I was also holding a book, my towel, and my water bottle so I was having a hard time riding anyway. As you can see I dropped my stuff and just left it there while this nice man pumped up my tire. What is with us and tire problems?

Laying out at the pool + no kids = HEAVEN. Although I don't think Heaven will be 107 degrees. We didn't last long.


We went and saw the Time Traveler's Wife. I was reading like crazy trying to finish the book in time. Obviously the book was much better but I was dissapointed in the movie. I wasn't sure how on earth they were going to fit it all into a movie. By the end my eyes were all red from crying so hard.

Games! You can't go to St George without playing card games. I love Sariah's face. This is seriously how she was the entire time. I loved it. She has so much energy. I wish I would've gotten pictures of her in her crazy yoga poses. She is amazing.

Hahaha. We are so funny!!!

Oh man. These pictures should be blown up and framed. We are so cool.

Peek a boo! Do you like that everyone has a cute smile and I have an evil leprechaun face.
I just love all of these girls and I can't wait till we get to do it again. I have such amazing friends and I have learned so much from them. Theses girls have been through so much. Thank you for the memories!!

To end, I would like to share this video of Sariah riding her bike down the street. We told her she looked like Julie Andrews so she decided to sing like her.


  1. that is an awesome post!!! I love that you bought bedding! So much to choose from huh? I can't wait to see your nursery!

  2. Can I borrow that book from you. I also wanted to read it before I saw the movie. I will be super fast. You won't even know it's gone.

  3. So I stopped in to say hi and saw a photo of the girl who taught my pilates class (or should I say I went to her pilates class??)...weird small world! What a fun trip for you!

  4. That looks like so much fun! I am so glad you got a chance to get away! Yeah! Congrats on having a girl! You will love it!!!!!!!

  5. I love the evil leprechaun face! And you all look so refreshed! Next time, I want to come.

    Oh- and I have to see the bedding!
