Monday, August 31, 2009

TABPR 2009

Ok Brian really doesn't want to blog so I am making him tell me what to write about his guys trip while he watches sports. Every year Brian and his friends go to St George and pretty much eat and play video games for 4 days. Brian has known most of these guys since since middle school. They are all still best friends. The main reason they go down is to host their annual golf tournament.

This is a picture of the guys in their golf shirts that they had made for the tournament. They even have their names on them. The shirts have a golfer on them with the letters TABPR. I can't tell you what those letters stand for because it is a secret organization, dear (that is what Brian said). I am laughing right now. The red team is Josh Sato, Cole Quam, Danny Kofoed, and Bobby Cannon. The blue team is Brian, Nate Locke, Matt Tucker, and Jared Neeley.

This is our trophy tournament cup. It is sacred and has all of the winners names on it for each year. (Brian)

Jared and Nate

Matt and Brian

The guys at the Players Club. It is the victory dinner. Losers buy dinner for the winners. Look at how cute all of these guys are! I love them. (Annelise)

We are winners. This is the only time we will want the blue team to win.

I rule.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha... maybe I need to post something for Nate too!! I mean, he was about as thrilled about winning the tournament as a person could be :) Let's start our own Bachelorette Weekend!!
