Tuesday, August 25, 2009

We are having a.....

Wow. I don't even know where to begin. So I am pregnant. I am so excited! I am due around January 13 (thanks Kendra for figuring that out for me). I have been asked if it was planned. Yes it was planned. Right after I found out I was pregnant, we had a lot of stressful things happen and I felt like my life was turned upside down and I started becoming really stressed about being pregnant. I remember laying on the table at the doctor's office for an hour (he was a little behind, story of my life) and I kept trying to convince myself that this was a good thing. Of course I knew it was a good thing but I just kept thinking of all of the bad th
ings in my life at the time and that made it hard. I kept telling myself that so many people that are close to me want to get pregnant so badly but they can't. Anyway thanks to Brian who was so optimistic and patient, I felt better and things started becoming a lot easier for us.

After I had Sam I told myself that the next baby would be a boy. I convinced myself that this was true. I have been dying to have a girl and I just thought that I wouldn't be lucky enough to get one. So I got pregnant and I felt much more sick than I usually do. I wondered if maybe that meant it was a girl but I tried not to think that way. The longer I waited, the more I thought it was a girl. Brian was convinced that it was a girl from the beginning. At the beginning of my pregnancy, I kind of had a break down and just cried to Brian. I don't even remember what I told him but I think it wasn't very nice. The next day he went out of town for work and sent this to me:

I was so happy. There was a note on it that said something like, "I hope you get a girl." I think I hid the note because I thought Oh I don't want our boy to find out about this note. So I went in for my 16 week appointment and the doctor said that he thought it was a girl but he wasn't positive. So I went in for my 20 week appointment and after the ultrasound tech stared at the head for what seemed like an hour, he found the rest of the body and said, "I think it is a girl." We sat there for a second and I said, "You don't sound positive about that." He laughed and didn't say anything. After about 10 minutes, he looked again and said that it was definitely a girl. I was so excited! I think I already knew though. Then my doctor came in and confirmed that it was a girl. I still can't believe it. Then I turned to Brian and said, "I already bought girl clothes." He seemed very worried and lectured me on saving money and not to go crazy buying girl clothes. I told him I couldn't wait to buy a big poofy dress for her. He just laughed. There were so many thoughts running through my head like I can't wait to do her hair, I can't wait to take her on shopping trips, I can't wait to take her to get pedicures, I can't wait to take her to chick flicks, I can't wait to give her makeovers, and I can't can't can't wait to put her in dance. I can't wait to put her in her little costume, get her makeup done up, and watch her in her dance recital. I did the exact same thing growing up and I am so excited for my daughter to do that. Oh and I also can't wait for Brian to take her on a date night. I can't wait to see him with a little girl. I think i might put him in charge of doing her hair and see how he does. He told me he would just put a bow in her hair. Good answer, sweetie.

I remember going over to see our friends, Spencer and Beth's little baby girl. I was holding her and the boys just couldn't get enough of her. They kept stroking her black curly hair and Sam kept saying, "Baby!". They just wanted to stare at her and touch her. That made me want a little girl so bad.

So now I can say that I am so happy to be pregnant. I can't wait. This is such a blessing to us. I also have to say that I am so happy to already have to boys who can watch over her and protect her (and maybe she can marry one of their friends like I did with my brother's best friend). Danny and Sam are just the most wonderful boys. They love me whether I am happy or I am yelling at them all day and so grumpy. They are just sweethearts. I love them. I am so lucky.

Also 2 things:
1: Sorry this is soooo long. So many thoughts.
2: Sorry there is no picture. I am so sad, the printer wasn't working!!! I always scrapbook my ultra sound pictures. Then he gave me a dvd of the ultrasound and it won't come up on my computer so I am not happy about that.


  1. yay!!! I am soooo happy for you Annelise!! I think, and i'm biased, but the PERFECT family setup is 2 boys then a girl...I would never trade having two of the same sex together...love that they are best buddies!! But then sooo fun to have a little princess after....just shakes things up a bit and makes it a little more exciting to have something different...oh and to see your boys with a baby sister is priceless...oh and to have big brothers to protect her...the best...I could go on and on....I was really really hoping you got a girl...but I know how you have to just get used to the idea that it's probably a boy!!
    bring on the dance class, tutu's and bows!! ;)

  2. SOOOOOOOO excited for you! Girls are so much fun! And little Livvy and your girl can be friends! Congragultions! She'll be so lucky to have older bothers to watch out for her. I always wanted an older brother, and I always wanted my girls to have and older brother, but no such luck. Congrats! We'll have to go shopping for girly clothes and put the girls in ballet together!

  3. Congrats. I didn't know you were pregnant. Girls are so fun. Hope the rest of the pregnancy goes well!

  4. Yahoo Congrats! Since we are both planning on being here for awhile it will be so much fun to have our little girls grow up together. This will be exciting. We will have to go shopping together.

  5. okay, so this sounds lame but i totally cried reading your post. only because i know how wonderful it is to have a girl and i'm so happy you get to experience it! i'm sure having a boy is fun, too, but it's fun to think of your little girl being your best friend while she grows up, ya know? i'm so happy for you, congratulations!

  6. Yay! I was waiting to hear from you...but that's okay :) Girls are a lot of fun...a lot of work, a lot of drama, but a lot of fun too! Your boys will love her and you will have a lot of fun with her. I think it will be funny to see Brian with her...there's something priceless about watching a dad with his baby girl, so sweet! Well, congrats again and PLEASE let me watch your kids when you have appointments, Jaxon would love it. Today when I picked Jaxon up from school he asked if Danny could come over, I would have called you, but we were headed to the store, so we didn't have time!

  7. That is McKay's b-day! I can't wait to sew a dress for this little gal!

  8. Wow!! I can't believe it! I actually had a feeling that it was a girl :) I'm practically crying reading your post, because it was so sweet. Sam and Danny are too cute in all your pictures! I'll try calling you again tonight. I'm sure you are so excited! How lucky!! xoxo

  9. yay! yay! Yay! I am so excited and so jealous! I knew it! But I am so happy for yoU!

  10. I am so so so so happy or you both! That is so awesome. You all and the baby are in my prayers and I can't wait til little baby girl Ross is born..... Hahaha. This blog post made me laugh outloud and cry as well! Annelise, Brian, I'm proud to be your friend and wish you all the best!!

    Love, Randy

  11. Yay! You totally deserve to have just what you want. Your little guys will just love having a little sister. You will be such a great mom for a girl, you already seem to have it all planned out. You are a riot! I'm so happy for you!

  12. Congratulations! Have fun shopping for girl clothes and decorating her nursery! I can show you how to make flower clips for all the headbands if you want. She is a lucky girl to have two big brothers.

  13. Yay! congratulations! girls are fun! believe me I have two.....good luck with the pregnancy...take care!!!

  14. Congratulations! You'll love having a daughter. I know Kowhai brings me so much joy!

  15. Awww... still so excited for you!! Congratulations- you and this little girl are going to have so much fun and have that great mother-daughter relationship. Woohoo!

  16. Yay! Congratulations on the baby girl, that is so exciting! I hope you are feeling better. Your family is so cute! It is nice to have two boys first, maybe I will get a girl too. But, like you, I am convinced I will get three boys. Which I would be happy with too. Good luck, and keep us posted!

  17. yeah!!!! I am so excited for you!!! Girls are sooo fun! Get ready to shop!! There stuff is so irresitable! Our little girls will be so close1 Yeah!

  18. Yeah for girls!!!!! I'm here reading your blog for the first time ever and what great news you have!!!! Your little girl is so lucky to have you for a mom. Hope you had fun on your girls trip!
