Sunday, July 12, 2009

Goggles, Waterslides, & Canoes

If you know the boys at all, you know that they LOVE the water so summer is awesome for us.
Haha. Danny got some goggles from my mom and he loves them. The funny thing is that my little 2 year old niece saw this picture and said that Danny looked so cool.

Cowabunga Bay
The other day, we took the boys to a water park near us. We had so much fun and got soaked!
We put a life jacket on Sam for the lazy river and he looked so cute and funny. He loved it.

Danny LOVED the lazy river. He couldn't get enough of it. He just swam along by himself.

We went during Sam's nap so we sat out a little bit because he was so tired. He just sat and watched all the people walking by.

Eating lunch and resting. We all got very tired.

Canoeing with Dad

We are so lucky to have this lake down the street. We can use canoes and paddle boats whenever we want. Brian took Danny one day and they had lots of fun. As you can see, Danny didn't do much paddling.

This was Sam floating along at Cowabunga Bay.


  1. I didn't think they had anything toddler friendly at Cow A Bunga they??? I would love to go there but I just haven't for that reason alone. I like the goggle picture of danny haha!

  2. Where is Cowabunga Bay? It sounds great and that water looks awfully inviting...

  3. Ohhhh, I can't wait to take my kids! How much is it?

  4. I love that Daybreak has a lake for canoeing and stuff!!! ahhhh, I have got to get a place down there (and with my magic powers move it further east)... still saving tho. Luv ya guys.... MJ FO' LIFE
