Sunday, June 28, 2009


I am guessing there aren't many girls who get very excited for Transformers but I was very excited. Brian bought 14 tickets ahead of time (12 of them were for my siblings and their wives, husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc.). We also had our 2 friends, Brock and Kristen come. It really looks like we are being chased by the decepticons doesn't it? Well we aren't, don't worry. We were just pretending, our world is not in danger...well from Transformers at least.


  1. JEALOUS! I could have sworn you were going to be eaten alive by the decepticons. Glad you are safe! Steve and I are going to go see it soon... hopefully...

  2. I love that you know the word "decepticons!" Actually, I was way into transformers as a child of the 80's. One of these days Spencer and I will get out to the movies...

  3. You crack me up!! Nik saw it at midnight then Phil and I went later. I totally remember my younger siblings watching the cartoon when they were little. Great action movie.
