Thursday, June 25, 2009

Get me some cash out, baby

Oh man if my sister's read the title to this, they would probably be annoyed because I kept singing that line from Waking up in Vegas over and over again. Good thing they aren't really into blogging. Last week my sister's, my mom, and I went to Vegas Baby! It was so fun. Here are some pictures from the trip.

Whitney and I sat by each other in the plane and I was so annoyed because the guy who sat next to me had his elbow stretched out so far that I had to lean over my sister the whole flight just so I wouldn't touch him. But it was fun anyway. We were just laughing the whole time and I don't know why.

Oh yes I know why, because we had like 10 packs of peanuts and we kept throwing them back and forth at each other and one time my mom threw it and it hit the guy next to me. We also took videos of each other the whole time and we thought they were so funny.

Eating at Cheesecake Factory. Yummm. I guess I should say that Kelli on the right is our sister-in-law.

We did lots of shopping and needed to take a break.

We saw the Lion King at Mandalay Bay. It was so wonderful. I saw it in New York and I forgot how great it was. They had such amazing voices! I wished Danny could have seen it. Maybe in a few years.

We were making fun of mom's who do their little girls hair in a braid that wraps around their entire head. We called it the cinnamon bun braid. I decided to do one to Elizabeth. I don't have a picture of it right now but she might have one. I wish I did have one because it was so ugly. I ended up braiding it all and there was a gross little braided rat tail coming out of the middle. She even wore it to the pool. It was so funny.

The pool. We got pina coladas. Yum. We even made up a synchronized swimming routine. People thought that we were an actual team.

You know what comes next, PILLOW FIGHT!

We stayed at the Bellagio, thanks to Brian getting us a discount. These are the indoor gardens they had.

Haha. As the lady who cleans the rooms walked by, my mom asked her if she could have a few more chocolates because they gave us 2 and there were 3 to a room. The lady gave her a handful and my mom yells, "Woohoo now we can party!" Then the lady told her to wait because there was more and she gave her another handful. It was funny. Then Elizabeth was really excited and grabbed them and threw them up in the air. My mom just stopped and gave her a mad look. I thought it was so funny. We had such a fun trip. Thanks girls.


  1. Geeze, check out your mom's guns. She looks great!

  2. How fun! I say WE gave a girls trip ASAP!

  3. What a fun family! I wish I had more sisters!
