Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

If you have seen the way the boys act around Brian, then you know how much they ADORE him and what a good father he is. Today at church, Brian, Sam and I were sitting in sunday school and Brian walked out to grab something and Sam tried to hurry and follow him but didn't make it out the door. He had the poutiest lip I have ever seen and he just stood in the aisle and whimpered until Brian came back in and he was as happy as can be. These boys love their Dad so much. Thanks for being the greatest Dad ever, Brian!

For Father's day, I had my friend, Jennie, take pictures of the boys. I didn't think she would get any of Sam because he just cried the entire time. He wouldn't sit still either. Well I was shocked when I got these pictures back! She did such an amazing job. When I saw these it just brightened my day and I almost cry every time I look at them. Thank you Jennie, you have such a gift. You have got to check out her website at


  1. Those pics are so gorgeous!!

  2. I love Danny's eyes! He is going to melt some girls heart with those some day!

  3. Oh, I'm so glad you liked them. I think they turned out cute too. Thanks for the plug! (:
