Monday, June 8, 2009

Watermelon in the Summer

So I was reading my friend's blog about her favorite things to do in the summertime. She asked what our favorite thing to do in the summertime was and the first thing that popped into my head was WATERMELON. Of course I love swimming, playing sports with the boys, walks, picnics, parks, bbq's, and all that fun stuff but there is something about watermelon that makes summer that much better.

I remember when I was a little girl, I was walking down the street and there was a big group of neighbor kids all crowded together eating watermelon. A girl who was several years older than me had a huge watermelon and was cutting it up and giving it to anyone who wanted some. I quickly made my way over and started stuffing my face with watermelon. It was so good. Early this summer, I was so excited to start buying watermelon at costco. Brian doesn't like it but the boys and I will eat it for every meal. We still have tons left over so I love to sit outside and cut it up to see who wanders over to eat some. Sure enough, the watermelon draws a crowd and all the neighborhood kids ask to have a slice of watermelon. In the end, I have a huge pile of eaten watermelon and lots of sticky kids but they sure are happy kids.

So what makes you happy in the summer?


  1. mmmmmm. I love watermelon. For some reason it has never tasted as good to me since I was pregnant. I seriously would down half a watermelon a day the summer I was prego with Chase.

  2. First, I loved that picture. I can't wait to come home and have some!!

    I love the stress free time with my family, camping, all the fruit of course and the warm sun.

  3. It doesn't get any better than watermelon. Unless you add popsicles!
