Thursday, August 6, 2009

Little Golf Pro

At the beginning of the summer, my Dad bought Danny a surprise. We went to my parent's house to go see what it was and sitting in the family room was a new set of miniature golf clubs. They were the cutest little things I have seen. He was so excited because he LOVES to golf. So he went outside to practice at my parents house and on the way home after not saying a word for about 10 minutes, Danny said, "I wuv my gowf cwubs."

Look at how happy he is. He is so excited because this was the first day that Brian was taking him golfing that he actually got to play instead of just watching and being the caddy.

How cute are his golf clubs? He even puts the covers on them each time he is done with them.

Oooooh! I love this picture. Danny thinks he is such a big boy. He loves to carry the golf clubs on his back just like Dad. He felt so cool.

Off to the golf course.
Brian also likes to take Danny to the golfing range. This is so perfect for Danny because he has a great swing and he loves to just smack that ball. I decided to go one time and take pictures.

Danny likes to help Brian pick out what golf clubs to use.

We took Sam with us and he wanted to practice too.

Here is Danny golfing. I think Sam was starting to get into a little trouble by the end.


  1. How awesome! He will be so good at golf since you guys are starting him now!

  2. oh those are the cutest pictures Annelise!! I love the one where they are walking away and the shot is from the need to blow that one up...too cute!!! He is getting so old :( I wish my husband was a golfer so he could get the boys into golf.

  3. Danny is going to be a pro one day.

  4. That is stinkin' cute. I told you that Danny grabbed Kalli's fairy wand, tipped it upside down and started asking me where a golf ball was. His clubs are much cooler than Kalli's "clubs."

    I'm going to take a pic of him and Kalli together so we can have him autograph it when he's famous!

  5. Holy crap! you have got to put that on the family website he is amazing! I am so shocked. That is awesome!

  6. What a swing!!! Seriously, danny is like really good! hahaha, LOVE IT

  7. Watch out Tiger Woods! your kids are too cute!

  8. My favorite picture is the one of them walking away. Too cute.
