Saturday, April 11, 2009

I love this boy!!!

Well I love all of the boys in my family but I just have to talk about how cute Danny has been lately. I also realized that I can't post only pictures of Danny without including Sam.
This was Danny at Brian's work. They had the kids come and decorate cookies. They always do fun stuff like that at his work. I love it.

Today Brian's family came over to decorate easter eggs. Danny got so excited and kept saying how beautiful the eggs were. This morning Danny came with me to get Sam out of bed and Danny reached his arm through the bars and started rubbing Sam's head. While rubbing his head, he looked at Sam and said, "Sam you are so beautiful". Danny is the sweetest brother. He plays catch with Sam and whenever Sam throws it back he gets a big grin on his face and cheers for Sam.

I love his smile. Brian's parent's brought him over a bunny cupcake and boy was he happy.

It took me a month to take this picture but Danny got his alphabet crown at Challenger!!! You get your alphabet crown when you know all of your letters and their sounds. Danny loves to learn. He has even started reading! He is so smart.

My friend, Kristen, made these adorable pants for the boys. Danny was so excited to wear them because they have the Utah logo on them. Thanks Kristen!!

Brian's parents are always buying the boys shoes. Yesterday they bought the boys matching red shoes. This is the best picture I could get of them. This was right after they ate tons of candy at Brian's work so they couldn't sit still. Thank you Thank you Thank you to Brian's parent's for all of their adorable shoes.

I love this boy too!

This is a video of Danny cleaning the table. If I leave the cleaner out, he will clean the same spot over and over again until I take it away. I love the huge amount of paper towels he used. He just kept adding more and more. I also like the bunny ears he wore all day too.

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute! I haven't seen him in so long! Lets for sure get together ASAP! I am on Spring Break all week long so lets do lunch or something!
