Saturday, April 4, 2009

A fun week

We had a really busy, fun filled week so here are a few pictures.

I took this video while I was trying to feed Sam. He is such a stinker.

The other day, my mom, my sister (Whitney), and I took the kids to see the Easter Bunny. Danny was so excited...

...but still kept his distance.

This year's easter bunny pictures remind me a little of last year's easter bunny picture. There is Danny again, keeping his distance.

Bunny Ears.

This is a picture of Leeann Whiffen and I at Leeann's book signing (if you didn't read my earlier post about her, she is a friend of mine who wrote the book A Child's Journey Out of Autism). I admire her so much that while I was telling her how amazing she is I started crying. I am such an emotional wreck sometimes and I just can't help it. Lately I have been thinking that I am not trying hard enough in certain areas and I think part of my little meltdown was because of that. Poor Leeann. She was just trying to downplay all of the hard work she does while I am crying to her about how wonderful she is. Sorry again, Leeann. Anyway it was so fun.

I just thought this was funny. Danny was trying to look just like Buzz Lightyear.

This is a picture of my friends, Tori and Heather at Heather's baby shower. We have been friends since middle school. I am so glad that we have stayed close this long. I love these girls.


  1. Annelise you are really one of the sweetest people I know. And you way underestimate yourself because it is apparent to anyone who talks with you for only a few minutes that you care deeply about others and that you're a loyal friend! Thanks for being you! And No Guilt Allowed - because you ARE all that and more sister! Thanks again for coming. I hope you don't mind if I post the photo on FB. I had my camera, but forgot to use it! :)

  2. so cute! I need to take Max to see the Easter Bunny! Let's for sure have a little playgroup this Friday!

  3. Love all your pictures! Your kids are so cute! Thanks again for helping with my shower! You guys are so WONDERFUL! Love ya! :)

  4. So I was watching Tyra today while Cohen was sleeping(I probably should not admit that) anyway she was doing a show on trying out products and telling everyone wether or not they really worked....well guess what...they tried the "bump it" hahahaha and they said to buy it because it works!! I thought I would share that with you since we were laughing about the "bump it" the other day.
