Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter

I have decided that every year the holidays just get better and better. We had such a wonderful Easter. We are so lucky to have our family to spend time with.

We went to Brian's parent's house for brunch. It was so yummy! It was fun to see Brian's sister and brother in law. They came to visit from AZ.

The Easter bunny left a trail of easter eggs. Danny ran straight to the presents but Sam stopped at each egg to taste the treats.

Candy for breakfast...

Thank you Paul and Janell for the adorable Easter outfits! You can't go wrong with Janie and Jack.

Time for the Easter Egg Hunt! Uncle Bobby was coaching Danny and helping him get a lot of candy.

Good thing there wasn't much competition for the candy. That is Sophie, Danny's cousin, in the middle.

This picture makes me laugh so hard. Every year, we crowd around the door, waiting for my parent's to lay all of the candy on the grass for us and then the second they are done, we run like wild animals trying to get as much as we can. I am pretty sure we are all the only adults who act like this. We look exactly the same as we did 15 years ago at our Easter Egg Hunts.

Yay! We did such a good job!

Ok I had to add these pictures of my adorable nieces in Texas. I miss them so much but they are coming to visit very soon! I love them!

My sister and her daughters in their beautiful Easter dresses. It is a good thing I don't have a girl yet because I would go crazy with adorable girl clothes.


  1. Your family looks like so much fun- and don't worry- mine is just as crazy as yours! And we miss your little nieces in TX too- Kalli still talks about going down the slide with Abby at Christmas time. Looks like you had one amazing Easter. The family pic at the top? Adorable!

  2. What a cute family! Looks like you had a fun Easter!

  3. How fun! I love your little boys Easter outfits! They are so adorable. I LOVE the pic by the door of all your sibblings. So funny!!!
