Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick Or Treat

My neighbor let us borrow this wolf costume (thanks, Desiree). Isn't it so cute?

Cute little pumpkin

Every year we get to go trick or treating at Brian's work. Danny gets so shy but we force him to say thank you to everyone. He just whispers it so quietly. He loves it so much.

Brian and Danny trick or treating.


  1. LOVE the wolf costume! They both look so dang cute! Also, I'm loving the unitard! I had some pink leg warmers just like those...I may still have them...

  2. What cute kids! I love seeing little kids all dressed up. And I really liked your outfit Annelise. Looking hot and sexy... and SHINY!!! haha When can we go to lunch???

  3. Looks like you guys have been busy. Your boys looked really cute, I loved your 80s costume. I think I even recognize the t-shirt.

  4. I love your costume Annelise. You look rad.

  5. You all look so cute! I love all the costumes! Especially yours! What a hot mom you are! :)

  6. Cute costumes!! Looks like you guys had a fun Halloween!!
