Sunday, November 9, 2008

Go Utes!

On Thursday I finally got to go to a Utah football game. We have season tickets but I have just stayed home with Sam for every game until the game against TCU. I had so much fun and also thought I was going to have a heart attack because I was so nervous but at the end but we pulled through and won 13-0. I am so proud of the Utes this year! We are undefeated and ranked 7th!
Sam, Danny, and their Uncle Alex


  1. GO UTES!!! I thought I was going to die at that game! It was so crazy!! It has been so fun to watch the Utes this year! Let's keep crossing our fingers!

  2. We are all so happy about the Utes! (Mostly because I have one happy husband!) Go UTES!!

  3. I knew you 2 would post about this!
