Sunday, November 9, 2008

I finally had an excuse...

to see High School Musical 3! I know, I know, I am a dork but I saw the first 2 on the disney channel and wanted to see the 3rd. My friend Lori and I were planing on taking our kids to see Madagascar 2 (which I was not too excited about) when Lori's daughter, Maddie said that she wanted to see High School Musical 3. I quickly volunteered to take her instead of seeing Madagascar 2. Lori was happy about that so she took her kids and Danny while I took Maddie. Throughout the movie she kept explaning things to me about the characters. I acted like I had no idea but I actually already knew everything she was telling me. Anyway I loved the movie! Brian told me that there is talk that a movie studio is going to do a Footlose movie with Zac Efron and I can't wait.


  1. You should have told me, I would have gone in a heartbeat. I am waiting to find someone to see it with.

  2. Phil and I took the kids a few weeks ago. It was actually pretty good, don't you think? Did you hear that Zack Efron might be in a new Pirates of the Caribean movie?

  3. That's so funny.........I went with a bunch of friends on Monday for the mommy movie day and all of our kids are way too young to even know what it is, we went there because we wanted to see Zac Ephron hahaha, sounds like we have the same taste when it comes to movies

  4. Hey, i found your blog on facebook. Your boys are so cute. We are living in west jordan, how about you? Your family is darling.
