Friday, November 14, 2008

Sleepy Guy

So yesterday for some really annoying reason, Danny woke up at 5:30 in the morning. So we went about the day as usual and since he doesn't take naps anymore, I have to get my scrapbooking done while he is awake. I decided to turn a movie on for him but he decided to drive me crazy instead of watching it. After making a huge mess in the computer room, I told him he could either clean it up or leave the room and watch the movie. He left the room and whined for about 15 minutes. After a while I could hear something that sounded like snoring. I went to go see what it was and saw Danny asleep in Sam's play thing (I can't think of what it is called). Poor guy. I forgot that he had woken up so early. This is how I feel some days.

1 comment:

  1. So funny. Chase just fell asleep in his high chair today. I guess they'll sleep anywhere if they're tired enough.
