Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Parties

Our Annual Cannon Halloween Party

Danny was a wolf, Brian was a pirate, Sam was a pea in a pod, and I was a dancer from the 80's. I use to wear my bangs like that too! Gross. Believe it or not, that shiny redness on my legs was a unitard.

A carrot and a pea in a pod.

Danny's Preschool Halloween Party

I decided just to have Danny be a skeleton because it would be easier to wear during preschool. He hated me putting the makeup on his face and started crying so that is why it looks so messy.

He is so quiet and shy at preschool.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute Skeleton. I bought make-up to draw a little nose and whiskers on Chase, but not a chance. He was not having it.
