Monday, September 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Danny!

This year, Danny wanted a Monsters Inc birthday party. Just so you know, they don't have any Monsters Inc party supplies so I had to make things up as I went. It was a lot of work but so fun!

There were more girls than boys at his birthday party. I thought that was funny. Here is my sister, Whitney helping them makes monster masks.

Here is one of my best friends (since 3rd grade) Stephanie and her cute daughter Lily.

This is a picture of Whitney trying to get the kids to dance. We turned on a song that started out really slow and so she was dancing really slowly. All of the kids probably thought she was crazy. Look at them stare at her. It was so funny.

We had spiders (crackers, peanut butter, and licorice), Mike Wazowski cupcakes, worm sandwiches (hot dogs), and applesauce with a gummy worm in it for lunch.

monster masks

We played pin the eye on Mike Wazowski.

Things to remember for next year's party:

1. Don't make the food, order pizza.

2. Don't make cupcakes, order a cake

3. Kids don't eat lunch at birthday parties

4. If you spend more than a week getting

everything ready for the party, you are

planning too much.

5. Your child will probably throw a fit at

least 5 times on the day of their party.

More birthday pictures:

We bought this birthday hat at Disneyland and Danny kept it on all morning.

Let's remember that Danny is the first grandchild so we had a birthday party at my parent's house and Brian's parent's house. Danny is such a sweetheart. We love him so much!!


  1. What a creative party. I loved the masks and the pin the eye on Mike. Happy Birthday Danny!

  2. Thanks for inviting Jaxon to Danny's party, he had a great time! I am so impressed with how much time you put into the makes me look like a total slacker! Everything Jaxon came home with was so cute, I am very impressed!

  3. Those hot dogs look crazy! Good job with everything, it looked so cute.
    I'm sad I miss these things, I can't believe he's 3!

  4. What a cute party! I am very impressed! I can't believe he is three! How fast time goes! He is so cute! Happy Birthday Danny!

  5. Cutest Party EVER!! You're so creative! I love the cupcakes!!

  6. How cute! Good job on the party! It looked darling!

  7. wow annelise.. you spent a lot of time on that party.. it looks great and i am sure he loved it.. funny that i didn't know who mike wozowski was and when you said mike wozowski cupcakes i thought it was the name of a bakery:)
