Monday, September 15, 2008

The Happiest Place On Earth

Last Week my parents, Brian's parents, and our family went to Disneyland. I was so excited I could hardly stand it. Growing up I always thought it was a little weird that my mom loved Disneyland so much and now I can understand why. It was such a fun trip. I am so sad to be home. I already miss it.

I asked this lady to take a picture of us. I told her to get the Mickey ears behing us and she also got all of Disneyland too. In case you cant see us, we are in the bottom left corner.

When we first got there, my mom gave the boys Disneyland stickers and put balloons, Mickey treats, and toys in our room. I told you my mom loved Disneyland.

Brian was so excited to go on the rockets!

Every time I saw this little squishy Mickey, it reminded me of Sam's face.

Danny and Grandpa Paul (Brian's dad). Danny just adores him.

Sam and Grandma Robin (my mom)

We ate breakfast in Disneyland with the characters and it was so fun. Tigger fed Danny his cereal.

Brian and his mom, Janell

This was a picture of Danny when the parade started. He could not believe that he saw Sulley, Mike Wasowski (is that how you spell it?), Lightning Mcqueen, Nemo, Woody, and Buzz all in one parade.

Danny was so cute with the characters. He would stand next to them and pose. In all of the pictures, he is fidgeting with his hands because that is what he does when he gets excited or nervous.

Both of the boys were such angels.


  1. I love Disneyland! It's one of those places where you can leave the world behind and enjoy the innocence of being a kid again. Looks like you guys had a great time!

  2. How fun! I was wondering when you were getting home and how it all went! It looks like you had a blast! Let's get together soon!

  3. Disneyland is the greatest! My very first time ever going was earlier this year, and it's something we'll never forget. I know that sounds dorky because lots of families go all the time. But for us, it was certainly one of those special times!

  4. So fun! I can't wait to take Chase there someday.

  5. Oh how FUN!!! It looks like you had such a great time! I can't believe how big and cute Sam is. Both your boys are adorable! Yeah for DISNEYLAND!!!

  6. Oh how FUN!!! It looks like you had such a great time! I can't believe how big and cute Sam is. Both your boys are adorable! Yeah for DISNEYLAND!!!

  7. i love that your parents have a season pass to disneyland.. i like the new disney, but i really miss the old disneyland hotel and monorail cafe.. it created so many great memories..

  8. Oh my gosh! It looks like you guys had so much fun. Nate and I really want to get there sometime soon. I hope Danny enjoyed it and I can't believe that cute little Sam was happy w/ Tigger at his table! You don't see that too often. We miss you guys!

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