Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A night in Park City with 14 girls...

This past weekend, 14 girls from my neighborhood planned a trip to Park City for the weekend. It was so fun to get to know so much about all of these girls. We stayed up all night playing games, eating tons of sugar, and just talking.

This is where we stayed.

We ate at Baja Cantina for dinner. This is one of my favorite mexican restaraunts. I don't have a picture of the other table.

We had to go to Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory afterwards. Every time I go there I feel all warm and happy inside, in case you can't tell by the look on my face.

Thank you Lia and Jennifer for making the chocolate covered strawberries, bananas, and oreos.

After this weekend, I decided that I need to laugh much more. I also need to go out and do things that make me feel like a kid again. Even if it does make me feel exhausted for the next 2 days.


  1. I am still pretty jealous, but I totally want to go next year!

  2. Oh, my. I want to do that -- tomorrow! How fun! BTW, when I need a good laugh, I think of Danny singing to Bon Jovi. I like that little guy. We should have a jam session together sometime.

  3. K- next time you go, we're going to pretend I'm your neighbor!! It looks like you guys had a blast.

  4. oh, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!! That was so much fun! I'm already thinking about next year!

  5. Wow! How fun! That just took me back to the days of going up to Deer Valley... with all the girls! I am glad that you got some time away! You deserve it!
