Thursday, October 2, 2008

Random pictures

Here are some pictures that I have taken over the weeks but haven't had time to post

First of all, GO UTES!! I am so excited for the game tonight! The first picture was taken during the last Utah away game. My mom bought the best Utah cookies ever and Danny sat on the porch and ate his while taking a break from riding his bike. The second picture was taken last week right before Brian took Danny and his cute friend Marin to the football game. They were matching so I had to take a picture.

Danny has been so cute and cuddly with Sam lately and I love it.

Danny had western day at preschool.

This picture makes me laugh so hard. It was taken at the airport because my sister, Heather came in town to visit (Yay!!) Her daughter, Abby (R) kept holding onto her suitcase and saying, "Sophie's gonna take my bag." While saying this, she had a frown on her face. Sophie just stood there all confused.

And cute, chubby Jane (Heather's second daughter)


  1. Your little boy is so cute!! Love the pics.

  2. K I am such a retard. I completely forgot about Jane when I came over for the birthday party. I didn't even see her!!! I suck. I am just so used to Heather being tiny that I didn't even notice. I bet now I won't see her til she is 1.

  3. I love all the pictures. Danny and Sam are the cutest!!
