Saturday, August 30, 2008

I wasn't joking....

when I said that Danny's backpack was huge.

Don't worry, we went to target and bought an Erdaqueen (Lightning McQueen) backpack that is a lot smaller.

Danny was so excited for the school bus to pick him up that he went outside 10 minutes early and waited for it to come. While we waited, he kept posing and telling me to take a picture. Oh, and don't worry, he got his hair cut. I didn't have time to do his hair very well because he wanted to go outside so badly.


  1. That is the funniest thing I have ever seen! That backpack! I am sitting by myself and have seriously been laughing out loud about it! Too cute!

  2. I seriously cannot stop laughing...I can hardly see Danny behind that backpack...that is so stinking cute! Save the backpack, and maybe he can use it in Jr. High...

  3. Oh my gosh!! Nate and I are dying... he is so darling! I love the backpack. I think it would be large on... well, just about anyone. I didn't know they make backpacks that size. He's so cute!!

  4. sorry... that comment was from me!! Abby!

  5. I love it!! I'm a little shocked PBK made such a large backpack. I wonder if he'll ever grow in to it. We need to get the boys together soon.

  6. That is SO funny! Jackson had a HUGE back pack too, it was the only HULK ONE we could find. And the other day, I found a smaller one that is Hulk, but now his folder gets all bent in it.. oh well! I love watching Jackson get on the bus, its so cute! Does Danny have Emily Johnson for his teacher?

  7. That is the cutest thing that I have ever seen. What a cute kid!!!
