Sunday, September 7, 2008

Tagged by Michelle

3 Joys
My Family
Going on dates with Brian
3 Fears
That something bad will happen to my kids when I can't protect them
Sky Diving
3 Goals
Clean my house!!
Catch up on scrapbooking (which doesn't work with cleaning the house)
Reading the Book of Mormon Daily
3 Current Obsessions
The Computer
New Seasons of the Hills and Prison Break (& soon to be the Office, Heroes, & Lost)
3 Random/Surprising Facts
My favorite restaurant is Asian Star
Brian is a much better cleaner than I am
I think I am more excited to go to Disneyland than my kids
Now I tag: Jennie, Annie, Heather S, Tori, and Kristin H

1 comment:

  1. Oh Prison break. That is my hubbies favorite show, and he has hooked me on it. Its so good. I told you that Jake is naming this baby Lincoln if its a boy, hahaha
