Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of Preschool

Today was Danny's first day of preschool! Since he qualified for the early intervention program, the school bus came to our house and picked him up!
This was the picture I took of him when the school bus came to our house. I think he was shocked and happy at the same time.

I got this cute backpack from PotterBarn and it was HUGE!

Danny had a hard time focusing for the picture. He couldn't believe that he got to ride a school bus.

Still in shock.


  1. omg! how cool is Danny to get front door service with his own bus!! he is so cute, and yes..that is a big backpack....are you hiding Sam in there? heehee

  2. He looks so cute. He reminds me a lot of Alex.

  3. He looks so cute. He reminds me a lot of Alex.

  4. I can't believe it! He just seems to little to go to preschool.
    I hope it went well for him!

  5. He is so cute! Oh my gosh! Lets get together soon!

  6. I agree with you, Courtney, he looks so much like Alex. I have thought that ever since he was a baby.

  7. Oh my gosh!! That first pic is the cutest thing I have ever seen!! How fun! That is funny that you were Mulan. Tori was too! Just pick the one you want... hehe
