Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sarah update

So I took Sarah to her 9 month appointment and the doctor was nervous because she wasn't crawling yet. In fact she wasn't even getting up on her knees.
So I called Babywatch through the school district and they came out to evaluate her. Everything looked good except for the fact that she screamed every time I put her up on her knees and didn't try to pull up on anything at 10 months (by the time they came out).
The therapist taught me some things to work on, like having her kneel up against a couch cushion and playing with toys. We also like to put a blanket on our heads and she pulls it off and we yell peek a boo!
Now she is 10 1/2 months and she is doing much better. She doesn't mind being on her knees and will even get on her hands and knees and try to crawl a little (even though she ends up going backwards just a few inches).

At first I was frustrated because Danny went through a similar program but he was older and had more problems.
I remember thinking what is wrong? why are my kids so behind?
But Danny is doing so well and he has improved so much and Sam hasn't had a problem at all. If Sarah is a few months behind in crawling, I am sure she will be just fine. If that is the biggest problem she has, WE ARE SO LUCKY.
Sarah is happy to just sit and not move :)


  1. I love her. She looks just like a girl sam. So darling. I hope she continues to do well. I love and miss you.

  2. because soon you will be thinking...what was I THINKING!! I would give anything for her to just SIT! :)

  3. I linked to your blog from the Daybreak Divas and had to leave a comment.

    My son had a similar problem, where at 9 months, he had not progressed at all as far as gross motor skills are concerned. We had him evaluated by a neurologist and found out he had low muscle tone. It just meant that he had to work a little harder to do things that a baby with normal muscle tone could do. He was in physical therapy through Baby Watch for about 6 months and got all caught up. The neurologist said that it's common for siblings to have the same problem, but since we don't have any other kids yet, I'm not sure if ours will.

    So, good luck!

  4. Don't worry. Kate didn't crawl until she was just about 1 year. I think all kids go there on pace. At least she looks cute sitting there.

  5. Karoline hates being on her knees too! I wouldn't worry, I never crawled and I turned out just fine...I think.
    Keep us posted on her progress!

  6. What a cutie! I love her. Let's have our girls play again soon!

  7. Those cheeks- all of them. She really is too cute. I think that we might need to adopt her for an evening so you and Brian can go do whateve's. Then it gets us off the baby-hook for a little while with Kalli...

    She is beautiful! I'm glad that you are seeing progress- that's always comforting. And then one day, you'll say, "Ahhh... I remember when you held still..."
