Monday, November 8, 2010

Guys and Girls Summer Trip 2010

Guys Trip
Brian and his friends went on their annual trip this summer to St George.

Love to golf

Brian golfing

And of course...swimming

Girls Trip
My 2 friends and I had so much fun. Yes we are dorks. I suggest not watching this unless you have a sense of humor. I have a feeling I may regret posting this...


  1. Okay, you blocked the video before I could see it. Dang it!!!

  2. Oh oops. Ok I think it will work now. Don't feel like you have to watch it though...:)

  3. That is seriously the funniest thing I have ever seen! Love it! So sad I missed the zoo! I was out of town and missed both your calls! Lets do it again!

  4. Laughing sooo hard right now! I can't wait to show Chris!

  5. Ok..that was SO funny. HAAAA! I think I was ok until you guys popped up from behind the couch....then I just about peed my pants! :)

  6. That was awesome! I laughed out loud more than once. Looks like you had fun. Good to see your the same Annelise. Miss you!
