Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thanks, Danny

So I have been trying very hard to eat healthy. I have decided that I can't cut out sweets forever so I try to have them once a week. I have been doing so well. So the other day, Danny looked at me and said,
"Mom you are getting so fat."
I have never heard him call anyone fat before and he was totally serious.
Thanks, Danny.
Then today he said,
"Mom, your bum is too big."
Thanks, Danny.
Don't worry, I didn't feel bad. I just laughed.

Here he is posing with my shoes on.

Maybe those fat comments were meant for Sarah. I'll just keep telling myself that. This is the first picture of her cute smile.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Did I mention that earlier on this week, she slept 8 hours straight? Hmmm, this post was suppose to be about Danny and my big butt wasn't it? Oh well, she is too cute not to put in the post.


  1. That close up of Sarah is to die for!! She is so adorable. Ohh Danny... That's the funniest thing ever. You look gorgeous and definitely NOT fat!!

  2. well, when you are Danny's size, and everywhere you look all you see are butts, not a lot more to talk about.....
    And I meant to tell you how chic you looked at the shower! With your hot boots etc.....really cute! and of course NOT fat.

  3. Those leg warmers. That baby. That Danny! Isn't life with children awesome?

    I think that you look oh-so-fabulous and please note that the calorie-counting is creating a visible difference. Way to go Girl!
