Monday, March 29, 2010

Sarah's Baby Blessing

Yesterday we blessed Sarah at church. It was stressful getting everything ready (especially since I was throwing up the day before because of food poisoning), but it was such a wonderful day. I love these days. Everything went so well and I am so happy that Brian gave such her such a beautiful blessing. I just try to enjoy these days as much as I can.

She was so tired but so happy.

My mom is so good at making her smile.

How funny is her little bonnet?

Happy boys


  1. Congratulations! She is adorable and I love her dress.

  2. Oh my goodness! She is so beautiful!!! I am sooo sad that I missed it! You look beautiful as well! What a wonderful day! I sure everything was perfect!

  3. Okay three things. First of all she is absolutely adorable. Second, You look great. You look like you are melting away. Third...why can't I have your mom's bracelet collections. So jealous!!!

  4. So how cute is Sarah! She looked more than beautiful (as does her mother). And that really was such a nice blessing.

    And I love Sarah's little bracelet.

  5. She is so precious! Why do all girl's blessing dresses come with bonnets like its suddenly 1864? I loved your testimony on sunday, you are so funny and so sweet!

  6. Annelise, Sarah is so beautiful. You all look so happy and I love the yawning picture. So cute! Hope all is well

  7. I see you fit in to your JCREW skirt. Looking good and Sarah's pretty cute too. I love her dress. I wish we could of made it out to her blessing.

  8. I just read my comment and it sounds retarded. Maybe I shouldn't comment this late at night. Anyway Sarah is beautiful, not pretty cute.
