Thursday, March 4, 2010

If I have to go to the doctor one more time...

...I will go crazy.
We just got back from our 5th doctor's appointment this week.
It was confirmed today that poor Sarah has RSV. She got it from the boys but since they are older, they can deal with it much better.
Over the past 2 weeks we have seen the doctor 8 times between all of us.
It has been quite miserable.
I am on my second kidney infection (they can't give me very strong antibiotics because I am nursing),
Sam and Danny both had their viruses and
Sam has an ear infection and
Sarah has RSV.
Brian has been traveling and with all of this going on, I just take it out on him. I feel bad but at the same time I get frustrated while he is gone.
Oh well, it could be much worse so I will stop complaining.
We have to put Sarah on a nebulizer a few times a day to help her lungs. Danny freaks out the whole time because he thinks it hurts her.
Speaking of Danny, I have had to rely on him to help me a lot and he does every thing I ask. He is such a sweetheart.
Sam has been being a little naughty to get my attention. Poor guy.
Hopefully this will be over soon.
When I told my cousin, Abby that Sarah was having a hard time breathing, she asked if it was because she was so fat. I laughed really hard. She is so cute and chubby.

And on top of all that, I have decided to start counting calories for the first time in my life and I have cut out desserts and candy. I feel empty. I am so use to eating sweets all day. They make me so incredibly happy. Dang you, sweet tooth.


  1. Call me and send Danny whenever you want...if you have to go another Dr. appt, call me! Seriously! I'm sorry Sarah is so sick...that's so sad! But really, give me a call...Sam can even come over too...he and Brynn can be naughty together :) And, you don't need to count I told you look fantastic!

  2. Annelise, I'm so sorry you've been stuggling with sickness so much. I hope you've had more help than Danny alone. Please let me know if you need anything...dinner, lunch, laundry, dishes, grocery shopping. I would love to help in anyway I can.
    Call me: 801-631-7470, or
    email me:

  3. OH I am so sorry!!! Poor baby, and poor mama!! I am BARELY getting over a kidney infection and OH.MY.GOSH, seriously they SUCK!! I had to be admitted to the hospital for IV meds because it was so bad, ugh. And being pregnant... double ugh. Feel better, and I am so sad that baby Sarah is sick. Blasted RSV, H1N1, croup. Leave our kids alone germs, we dont like you!

  4. Oh Annelise! I am so sorry! How can I help you? She looks so cute in that pic! What a doll. I think the chubbier the better! :)

  5. That sucks! I'm sorry your kids are so sick. My advice: Quit counting calories, espeically if it makes you madder. You'll have plenty of time to loose the baby weight when things settle down and besides that you look fantastic. Cameron is great with little boy, just ask Kari, Parker adores him. We go off track all of April if you wanted him to baby sit your boys here so I could supervise as well. It would be good for him! Take care of you too!

  6. Oh Annelise, I'm sorry! Call me if you need any help!

  7. I'm so sorry to hear that you are all suffering over there!! It's been going around! If there is anything we can do to help, please let me know!

  8. I just read this and was dying!! I had no idea you were ALL sick! I wish I could be there to help take care of everyone... Poor chubby Sarah :( I love her double chin and chubby legs. I miss her so much already (and you of course!)
