Sunday, February 14, 2010

So in LOVE

Here are some more pictures that Jennie took of Sarah when she was 11 days old. I just love how sweet Sarah is and I love that Jennie is so amazing at capturing that in her photos. Thank you Jennie. I appreciate these so much more than you know. Enjoy!

I love you Brian

I also love my boys


  1. omg! those are soooo beautiful!! Girls are so much fun :) what a perfect little family you have! I love it!

  2. What a sweetheart. I have that roo wrap if you want to borrow it. Check out and if you are interested let me know and I will bring it by.

  3. These pics are perfect. What a lovely little bird you have! Congrats again!

  4. I'm so glad you liked the pictures. I think they turned out soooo cute! It helps when you have such a gorgeous baby. I love Sarah and can't wait for her to meet Ava. I say this all the time, but I know they are going to be best friends!

  5. Oh, she is absolutely gorgeous. And I'm absolutely jealous, but oh-so-happy for you!! What a sweetie.

  6. Those pictures are so amazing!!! So cute!

  7. She is sooo beautiful! I NEED to see her again! What a doll!

  8. Holy cow so cute! Look at her rolly thighs! I am jealous, my girls look like they're starving in their baby pics. She is so perfect!
