Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Moon

I was so excited when I saw the new poster for New Moon! I can't wait! It should be a lot better than Twilight. Only 6 more months!


  1. OK- seriously- I think I need to read these books sooner or later... they sound really fun... I just can't stay awake long enough to read anything!

  2. Oh my gosh!! Jacob looks so hot! So much better than Edward.

  3. Ok Ashley yes you need to read them. Maybe in a couple months when your baby sleeps better. And Yes! Jacob looks so hot!

  4. Oh My Gosh- I can't wait! I really hope it is better than Twilight. Jacob is cute, but I am a total Edward fan. How are you guys doing anyway? I miss you.

  5. All right- I am making a goal to read them both by 11-20-09. I'll keep you posted!

  6. Are you a little obsessed?? I'm glad your counting down to see the new Twilight. (: Hey we need to take some pics of your boys so call me!!!
