Monday, May 18, 2009

6 years in Vegas!

On May 16th Brian and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary! Wow time flies. We spent the weekend in Las Vegas while my parent's and Brian's parents both watched the boys. We are so lucky that they do that so often. It was such a fun weekend. I am so lucky to be married to Brian. He is so wonderful. I couldn't be happier. I love you Brian!

Dinner on our anniversary.

I told Brian to make a serious face for the camera and he was doing great until our waiter stood there staring at him and then he started laughing.

Ok so when we went to New York a few years ago, everyone told us to go to Serendipity 3 because it was so good and I had to try the frozen hot chocolate. Well we didn't have time to go when we were in New York and I haven't stopped thinking about it. So I saw a sign for Serendipity in one of the casino's and I was shocked, I didn't know they had one in Vegas. Brian told me that he had seen it a few days earlier so after dinner we walked over and sure enough it was there! I was excited. The frozen hot chocolate was good, not great (all they do is mix ice with chocolate milk) but it was really fun. Next time when I am not so stuffed I think I will try the fried oreos.

Brian took me to see O (the cirque du soleil show at the bellagio). It was incredible! There were a couple of times I gasped out loud because I thought the woman being thrown in the air wasn't going to be caught and would land on me but she didn't. The show was at 10:30 p.m. (11:30 SL time) so I was a little tired but it was well worth it. Thanks for a great weekend, Brian!


  1. how fun! I love that second picture of Brian trying to first I thought he was wearing a chef outfit...looked like one of those shirts....ha!
    oh, and I hope you are not putting your tongue on that ice cream...remember you are in VEGAS..ugh...ha! kidding :)

  2. How fun for you! Congrats on 6 years!

  3. Happy Anniversary! 6 years! Congrats!

  4. How fun! Crazy how fast time flies! Happy Anniversary!

  5. I didn't know they had a Serendipity there either!! Why don't we go there for our Girls Trip in August?? When the guys are in St. George? By the way, Danny is SOOOO CUTE in his video at the school program! How fun that you get to go to those! I miss you guys!

  6. What a cute couple you are. And tell Steve to take me on something fun like this! Looks like you had a blast!

  7. Well actually Brian was already there for work and I just flew in so don't give him too much credit ;)

  8. LOVE VEGAS! GOOD TIMES!! Remember New Years!! Can't believe it's been 6 years. Pretty sure time flies.
