Saturday, March 14, 2009

Look of Excitement

I took these pictures today while the boys were in the bath. I just love the face that Sam is making in this first picture. The first time I saw this face was on Sam's first birthday when I was putting about 10 balloons in the car that I had picked up at the party store. His eyes bulged while making this Oh with his mouth. He was so excited. I didn't really think of how stressful it would be trying to get the boys not to play with the balloons on the way home but only one popped so it wasn't too bad. ANYWAY, every time he sees his sesame street balloon from his birthday (yes it is still inflated, Brian said that I should call the party store and tell them that they have good air...) he makes this face and gets so excited. He was doing it in the bath while he would hold up his ball.

He was enjoying posing for the camera.

Every time that Sam takes a bath, he ends up on his stomach. He loves to act like he is swimming but he always ends up getting a mouthful of water so I sit him back up. We keep on doing this back and forth until I get really frustrated and take him out. Even a few minutes in the bath makes him so happy.


  1. I can't believe how much Sam has changed since I last saw him! He looks so much like Brian! Too Cute! Him and Max need to play together! They would love it! Lets go to lunch and plan Heather's shower!

  2. That is so cute. Tubbing kids are the cutest and that face is to die for!

    And we had a "miracle balloon" too. We brought it home from the hospital and it lasted until my son was 4 weeks old. We finally murdered it... sorry Kalli!

  3. No! I'm glad you blog stalked me! I look at your blog but didn't want you to think I was a weirdo so I didn't ever comment. I'm now adding you to my list of friends, though. Just so you know.
